he and i, we were reconciled, thanks to
the light that has cast His rays upon us,
inspiring us to take this shot
then i began to realize how God-given he is,
and is realizing still
Survival 101 by the School of Rock
“To those who are about to rock, we salute you.”
_ Jack Black
School of Rock
You gotta be kidding me – these kids rock! No, they do more than that- they really, really, really, REALLY rock! Man, the band was way past their age, their skills, way beyond awe, their influence, way past beyond bedtime. (Owkeiii…need to get…grip…) THEY. ROCKED. MY. HEART. (Waaaahhhhh!!!!)
(Owkeii. I’m calm now…) It’s my third time to be captivated by this film, and that’s just it, I’m captivated still, along with an incurable diagnose of LSS (Last Song Syndrome...
If you wanna be the teacher’s pet…)
No film, and I mean, NO FILM has ever lulled me to dream like this before. School of Rock definitely tossed all those teeny-bopper-jock-versus-nerd-it’s-cool-to-get-drunk-and-sex-me-highschool-chick-and-dick flicks to the negative bin. (I never liked them, but ironic enough, I had a weird time loving to watch them). This film has reason, this film has rhyme – and I’ll try to justify.
Rock isn’t about getting loaded and acting like a real jerk.
What’s rock?
Scoring some chicks.
Getting loaded.
No! You guys…
Sticking it to “The Man”!
Whoever The Man is, I sympathize with them. As for my Man, well, he takes a lot of forms. Just like those in the film: nicotine-in-a-stick/those who invited Freddie over their van; depression-inducing ethyl/what made Dooey crowd-swim into a non-existent crowd; demonic lyrics/well, so it’s not in the film, but Disturbed and Korn were hymns then, though; weight issues/Tamica’s refusal to perform because she thinks she’s “different”; acne issues/ok, so all of them were acne-free; academic related laziness/hm, I think all of them were; foul lying mouth/more severe than Dooey’s; principals/although mine way back in High School was – hm, I wouldn’t be able to recount them all unless I return to that life, and I won’t rock back. I already stuck it up to The Man. I challenged those that hinder me from rocking fro in this life, we all did, and we rocked victoriously. So far.
I have crushes: two ten-year old rocking adolescents – no, they’re just ten - kids!!! Zach and Freddie are the cutest rockers I’ve ever strummed for. I love the silent, mysterious, “I’m deep, there’s more to me” type of Zach and Freddie’s rolled up sleeve, punk-ish schoolboy, “I can roll the drums” attitude. Adorable children. (Pedophilia is not the case). But seriously, I guess I really adore guys who can make some melodic noise, and in my preference, music for the – tadtadtadana - for the Lord! I adore guys who are unashamed to rock for God, to beat their drums loud and strum their guitars proud for the world to hear that Jesus saved them, that He makes them sing, that He rocks their world, that He makes them stride the universe and raise their goblets of overflowing love. Hm, sound like a cheesy love song. But I love guys who are unashamed to sing it.
Weird enough, this is a “clean” film. Aside from the teeny-bopper-jock-versus-nerd-it’s-cool-to-get-drunk-and-sex-me-highschool-chick-and-dick free factor, aside from the reason, aside form the rhyme, it has rhythm. Its tune appeals to the heart. When parents understand why their kids take up a different path from them, why they have distinct talents that is not genetical, why they are happy with company that they themselves will never be with, why they drink their depression away, why they sleep with anyone who’s willing, why their genitals ache, why they cry after waking up beside someone naked, why they abort, why they commit suicide – then maybe life would play a much sweeter tune and the noise-like coda will be an accepted part of their whole song. If parents would just take the time to watch their children performing on their own stages, then maybe they will find a reason to cheer for their kids.
Now,now. My parents are loyal patrons of whatever I am, I left the chemical inspired life behind, and I’m not sexing anyone before marriage, but majority of this world are not as optimistic. School of Rock is not just about the sound. It’s more about something – an unnamed something that will trigger you to think of life beyond the movie, that only it can inspire. Look at me, how did rockers turn to survivors?
Watch it, rockers, and be educated…
To the top.
Sigh. I hate the feeling of a wannabe-writer. Self-pity encloses as the words parade in front of me, forming pictures that I never thought visible, then leaving me dumfounded with nothing to capture it with. Literature intimidates me, especially the ones authored by living writers, young and younger they get. But they fascinate me. I’m always caught drooling by them poems, short stories, essays, plays, screenplay, everything that spells ‘publishable’ and ‘copyright’.
Difficult. There’s still time to clench my fingers and tuck it in, somewhere where letters won’t be able to make them dance. My mind, I confess, is his own boss. All I ask of him is to critique a poem and imitate it. He won’t budge, though he says he will. In his own time. Well, I say to him, time will come that your stubbornness will kill my future. My academics is at stake here, mister. Then turn back, he constantly serenades me.
Can’t. I got myself into wanting this and turning back is not plausible. Quitting is like asking myself to grow ten years younger, asking Mr. Mind to forget every reason that makes me live. He won’t listen. Memory alteration is something he could never do.
Go. I would very much like to write for myself. Can’t. Myself don’t inspire me that much. God does. People do. Writers do. Readers, too. I have learned never to envy anyone who writes extremely well even if they are younger than me, a trait that I couldn’t have acquired if not for my lack of word power. I wonder why other people call them crappy, people who are not aware of the risk they take everytime they write. To open themselves up, lie on the operating table, expose their inner soul, not caring whether the examiners will kill or heal. Sacrifice is unreadable by arrogance.
Pray. I’m waiting for Him. I might forever be a wannabe-writer, but that is something that I would really want, and that He would lovely grant.