Delayed Attitude
Oh man, I'm definitely delayed. It's only now that I acquired the method of organization, thus, making me excited for studying - but too late. Classes are about to end, and I can't seem to review for my finals since the period of the worst sem has not ended yet. Worng mind set. But I know that I'll figure a way to cram the topics into my sleepy head, somehow...But I'm excited- excited for this Summer Frisbee Clinic (which I thank God greatly for) and prepared for my second year in college. My mind set will be totally different, my focus totally concentrated and my Faith is ready to materialize from its silence. Molave will be a new haven for me. And I thank God He gave me a chance to redeem my academics .
Though, weird enough, this year is what I consider to be my best - amidst all the failures (total) , the pain, the tears and the moral it taught me. This hard sem polished me to be God's perfect tool. Though I wouldn't want it to repeat itself, it won't be totally forgotten. My gratitude to the mistakes I've made, fears I've entertained, exams I've flunked and classes I took for granted. Never again will I look at academics as something dragging and sulky. By God's grace, I will try with all my capabilities to use it for His glory.
Thank God for the pat failure - and future progress. No more delays!
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